ESP Scholarship for the European Master in Molecular Pathology

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) along with several academic institutions across Europe, is joining in the organisation of a 2-year Master Programme, the European Master Molecular Pathology (EMMP)

This Master programme is coordinated by the University Côte d’Azur in Nice, France.

The main goal of the Master Programme is advanced training in Molecular Pathology aiming for the standardization of molecular analyses across Europe.

ESP, dedicated to funding projects and joint actions that contribute to continuous education and high-quality diagnosis in the field of pathology, is providing a Scholarship for attending the EMMP. 

Information about the EMMP, its admission requirements, curriculum and the tuition fees, are available via the respective website.

The deadline for applications for the ESP Scholarship for the EMMP was 20 June 2024

The announcement of the recipients of this Scholarship will be made in coordination with the announcement of the results for the EMMP applications.

Awardees 2023

Martina Bosic

Parandzem Khachatryan

Dima Krayem

Rinë Limani

Sandrine Nutgeren

Radu Pirlog

Antonia Syrnioti

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