Who we are

The European Society of Pathology is the leading force in European pathology. The primary aim of ESP is to promote:

  • High quality diagnostic prac­tice
  • Applied and translational research
  • Under- and postgraduate education in the field of human pathology.

This is achieved through our congresses, our journal Virchows Archiv, and our European School of Pathology, which or­ganises a variety of postgraduate courses and quality assurance projects in diagnostic molecular pathology.

The ESP also interacts with national pathology societies in Europe and has developed close collaboration with UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spéciali­stes) and EAPCP (European Association of Pathology Chairs and Programme Directors).The ESP headquarters in Brussels serve as hub for European Pathology organisations. 

Esp First Founding Fathers Meeting

ESP First Founding Fathers Meeting in Brussels 30th March 1963.

Membership benefits

Professional networking
Bursaries for the European Congresses of Pathology of the ESP

Preferred access to the Journal of Hematopathology
10 EUR per year for the online version
38 EUR per year for the paper version

Access to Virchows Archiv

Membership fee
50 EUR per year, which includes the online version of Virchows Archiv
80 EUR per year, which includes also the paper version of Virchows Archiv
No membership fee for residents

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