Record numbers for ECP Florence!

ESP is delighted to announce that this year's number of bursaries has reached an all-time high of over 300.

Overall, ESP increased its support in pathologists in training attending ECP by outstanding 56%

ESP is looking forward to welcoming all colleagues in Florence and is keen on exploring the work contributed by all bursary applicants.

Message from the President of ESP

Dear Colleagues and Members,

Professor Peter Schirmacher

 Professor Peter SCHIRMACHER

We are heading towards the ECP 2024 in Florence and the last preparations are maturing. I can assure you that the programme, the speakers’ line up and the whole setting are fantastic, and we are all looking forward to it. ECP 2024 will again be the leading Pathology meeting worldwide and I hope to see you all in Florence. It is a MUST to be there.

But ESP is far more than our annual congress. We are looking back to a wonderful ESP Academy in May in Malta, where many of our highly promising junior members had assembled. The Master Class has established its pinnacle position in diagnostic training, and we have substantially increased EScoP training courses and webinars in the different fields of Pathology. Your feedback as participants has been highly supportive, which assures us that we are on the right track and that we have to further intensify these activities.

The ESP exists for its members and would be nothing without them. Giordano training fellowships and travel bursaries are reaching record numbers in 2024. ESP is also offering new scholarship for EMMP (European Master for Molecular Pathology) in 2024/2025. At the same time, we have been able to keep the membership fees very low (free for Pathologists in training!). Did you know that in 2024 ESP has for the first time more than 4500 members with 40% junior membership! In Florence we will welcome again a record number of participants from more than 100 countries. With these growing numbers and impact come responsibilities. We have highly intensified our outreach to politics, other scientific and medical societies, and industry. Several collaborative agreements with other societies have been finalised in the last months and there are more to come; it is necessary that the voice of Pathology is heard and considered e.g. in political decision making, clinical guidelines and diagnostic strategies of the future.

All these activities would be impossible without our fantastic team in the ESP office that plans, calculates, supports and follows up all these activities. All team members deserve a big, big thank you! Moving to our new, well positioned and much more functional office in Brussels and taking the organisation of our events in our own hands have been a major step forward. Therefore, a hearty welcome to our new event management team in the ESP family; it is great to have you with us and even in this short time your activities, expertise and new ideas have already paid off for the ESP!
Dear members, for our impact membership and activities are key. Please be an active member, spread the news, inform Pathologists who are unaware of the ESP and its portfolio. Come to our meetings and especially the ECP, learn from and discuss with leading Pathologists, submit your research, participate in the working groups and visit the ESP booth and help to shape with us the future of our wonderful discipline, Pathology.

See you all in Florence!

Sincerely yours

Peter Schirmacher
ESP President

ESP Vision and Mission Statement

Excellence in pathology for optimal patient care.

As the leading force in European pathology, the European Society of Pathology (ESP) promotes high quality pathology diagnosis for all patients, up-to-date education across Europe and support cutting-edge research to understand disease and translate science into clinical practice. 

Virchows Archiv

Virchows Archiv

Virchows Archiv (European Journal of Pathology) is the Official Journal of the ESP.

The Journal is edited by an editorial committee composed of an Editor in Chief, who is appointed by the Executive Committee, and Associate Editors, who are selected by the Editor in Chief.

The mission of the Journal is to advance the scientific basis of human pathology by the publication of high quality research, including molecular and translational studies, and thereby contribute to patient care.

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