Membership Benefits
ESP is committed to providing on-site and on-line educational, training and scientific programmes as well as funding opportunities to ESP members

Our Commitment
We aim to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a professional in the field of pathology uses to provide services to patients.
ESP has made a move to attract other professionals like molecular biologists, technicians, and scientists who work in pathology, to join in ESP activities.
Membership Benefits:
- Access to the official Journal of the ESP “Virchows Archiv”
- No membership fee for residents (trainees) until the end of residency and PhD candidates until the completion of their studies*
- Discount on registration fees for the annual congresses of the ESP as well as for EScoP courses
- Access to onsite educational events exclusively offered to ESP members
- Access at no cost to the content of the online ESP Educational portal (webinar recordings, material from past Congresses, ESP Preceptorship programme and others)
- Access to ESP Fellowships and awards, as well as bursaries for ESP Congresses
- Professional development and networking opportunities

My ESPath and Benefits

My ESPath and Benefits
1 - Undergraduate
- Free Membership
- ECP Bursaries
- ESP Educational Portal
2 - Trainee Resident
- Free Membership
- ESP Educational Portal & events
- ECP Bursaries
- ESP Fellowships & Scholarships
- ESP Academy
- ESP Alumni Programme
- ESP Trainee Subcommittee
- Self-assessment opportunity (ESP PPT)
- Voice & Vote
3 - Junior Pathologist
- ESP Educational Portal & events
- ESP Fellowships & Scholarships
- Giordano Fellowship
- ESP Academy
- ESP Alumni Programme
- Self-assessment opportunity (ESP PPT)
- ESP Alumni Programme
- Career development (ECP reviewer, co-chairs, ESP publications, participation in international meetings on ESP behalf)
- Voice & Vote
4 - Senior Pathologist
- ESP Educational Portal & events
- Trainer in ESP Centre of Excellence
- ESP Masterclasses
- Self-assessment opportunity (ESP PPT) and other possible benefits
- Voice & Vote
Membership Types and Pricing
Virchows Archiv
Membership Type | Online | Printed |
1 Year Membership | €50.00 | €80.00 |
3 Year Membership | €120.00 | €210.00 |
5 Year Membership | €200.00 | €350.00 |
Trainee | €0.00 | €30.00 |
*Residents/Trainees/PhD Students in Pathology are eligible to Free ESP membership subscription upon uploading of an official (formal) proof of residency/PhD student status (in English language). i.e. an official letter signed and stamped by your supervisor or training chief stating that you are a Resident in training also indicating the start and end date of the traineeship/residency/PhD course.