ESP Educational Platform

ESP Educational Platform

The ESP Educational Platform is your gateway to a transformative learning experience. Designed with user engagement and accessibility in mind, the portal offers a wealth of resources that cater to pathologists of all specialties and skill levels.

Whether you’re a resident seeking to enhance your knowledge, or a lifelong learner eager to explore new insights of pathology, the ESP Educational Portal provides a comprehensive suite of materials and interactive courses.

The contents of the ESP Educational Platform is offered free of charge to all ESP members with updated membership.

You need to log in to view the content. Please log in. Not a member? Become a member.


ESP Pathology Progress Test

The ESP Pathology Progress Test (PPT) is a self-assessment tool, valuable for the preparation of residents for their board examination. It consists of 120 multiple choice questions, covering most Pathology subspecialties.

While primarily designed for residents, the ESP PPT is available to all pathologists wishing to test their knowledge in Pathology.

The results of the ESP PPT are confidential.

ESP PPT 2024 will be available from 13 November to 8 December 2024. 

Kansas Histopathology Cases

ESP with the collaboration of the Kansas Histopathology Club, is excited to offer the Kansas Histopathology Cases (KHC) to its members via the ESP Educational Platform.

KHC consists of monthly modules. Each module includes 5 rare and/or difficult cases. A short history and 1 HE digitally scanned slide is shown for each of the 5 cases. Participants are invited to type which is their most probable diagnosis. At the end of each round, the diagnoses from the providers of the cases are released, along with a handout with additional information for each case. The handouts are prepared by the ESP Education Subcommittee with the help from volunteers.

During an one-year-period, KHC has 10 rounds. After the completion of 10 rounds ESP issues certificates of participation to all participants. There are no marks for the diagnoses provided, and the issuing of certificates does not depend on providing a correct one or not.

Each new round of KHC is announced via the monthly ESP Newsflash email.

The ESP Preceptorship Programme
  • An e-learning resource designed by ESP experts to support and accommodate the needs of pathologists
  • Comprises plenary presentations delivered by international faculty
  • Generated for academic and diagnostic pathologists also for young pathologists and trainees wishing to update their knowledge
  • Each course focuses on a specific pathology topic and aims to provide pathologists with a comprehensive overview and current understanding of the subject according to present guidelines, recommendations and standards of care
Recordings from past ESP webinars

All ESP webinars, with rare exceptions, are recorded. These recording are available to all ESP members, including those who did not attend the webinar. 

Viewing the recording does not qualify for CME accreditation, unlike attending a webinar live.

Material from past ESP Congresses

ESP is happy to offer to all ESP members access to a small part of the online material from past ESP Congresses. This material primarily includes the histopathological slides and handouts from Slide Seminars, as well as a few selected recordings. The full array of online material is available only to registered congress delegates and for a limited period.